This Month in Life Design: Let Your Imagination Guide You
Over the past five years, we have been on an incredible journey here at The Johns Hopkins University, transforming “career services” into a holistic Life Design approach, ensuring every student on campus is …
By Matthew Golden
Matthew GoldenAssistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Masters Life Design
Catherine Graham, Holly Paesch, and Rachel Wallach, Jul 31
When Julia Ye, a junior at Johns Hopkins University, signed on for her summer internship, she never imagined that she’d be interviewing candidates for a manager position at her company. But, after …
Burnout and job-related stress have never been higher, according to new data from the American Psychological Association. And that’s true across professions.
Responding to APA’s 2021 Work and Well-Being Survey, a full 79% of U.S. workers said they had experienced …
Passion has been sold, particularly to millennials and those in generations younger, as the hallmark of a successful career. And in a lot of ways, it’s been oversold.
Finding a sense of fulfillment — a sense of purpose, even — in …
When students take on-campus positions, oftentimes, this is their first exposure to post-academic careers. One major aspect of any career is how the leadership interacts, connects, and encourages professional growth. Here are 5 ways supervisors can optimize the on-campus employment …
Kevin D. Frick, PhD, is a Professor and Vice Dean for Education at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Prior to holding this position he was at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for more than 16 years. …
By Madeline Amonick, Communications Assistant, JHU Class of ’21 In our most humble opinion, we have the greatest alumni network in the world! How do we know this? Because we noticed that amazing networking, mentoring, and skill-building happens when we …