This Month in Life Design: Let Your Imagination Guide You
Over the past five years, we have been on an incredible journey here at The Johns Hopkins University, transforming “career services” into a holistic Life Design approach, ensuring every student on campus is …
By Matthew Golden
Matthew GoldenAssistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Masters Life Design
Catherine Graham, Holly Paesch, and Rachel Wallach, Jul 31
When Julia Ye, a junior at Johns Hopkins University, signed on for her summer internship, she never imagined that she’d be interviewing candidates for a manager position at her company. But, after …
The University Experiential Learning hosted a week full of appreciative events for student employees across JHU partnering with divisional teams to celebrate all student employees for National Student Employee Appreciation Week. The week included a recognition and award ceremony at …
Burnout and job-related stress have never been higher, according to new data from the American Psychological Association. And that’s true across professions.
Responding to APA’s 2021 Work and Well-Being Survey, a full 79% of U.S. workers said they had experienced …
Passion has been sold, particularly to millennials and those in generations younger, as the hallmark of a successful career. And in a lot of ways, it’s been oversold.
Finding a sense of fulfillment — a sense of purpose, even — in …
When students take on-campus positions, oftentimes, this is their first exposure to post-academic careers. One major aspect of any career is how the leadership interacts, connects, and encourages professional growth. Here are 5 ways supervisors can optimize the on-campus employment …