Your mentoring conversations are critical to your success. Without good dialogue, your mentoring relationship could lack focus, intent, and follow-through. Don’t let your mentoring relationship suffer!
Here are tips from River on how to get more from your mentoring conversations. …
How good of a listener would you say you are? Mentoring Evangelist Aya Titus breaks down the different types of listening mentors and mentees need to strive for in order to create successful mentoring relationships. For more tips, check out …
Turn mentoring upside down! Try reverse mentoring to gain new perspectives and insights. Here are four tips to help you get started today. See more from Mentorcliq here.
Dr. Laura Salyer’s mission is to teach burned-out professionals how to rekindle their creative flow so they can re-energize their careers, decrease stress, and make better intuitive decisions. In this video, she shares her top 6 tips for picking the …
Article written by Katerina Frye for the JHU Newsletter, Nov 2019
As part of its Food for Thought Dinner Series, the Hopkins First-Generation, Low-Income (FLI) Network hosted a talk called “Post-Graduation Realities from a FLI Perspective” on Thursday, Nov. 7. …
Article written by Koye Berry for the Blue Jay Families page of Homewood Student Affairs (Oct 2020)
“I live right next door to Mickey Mouse,” Abigail Flores says of the Florida home she shares with her parents, Gladys and Abdon, and …
Article written by Jacob deNobel for The Hub (May 2021)
As he was preparing to return to the Hopkins campus for the spring semester, junior Christopher Crespo worried about his ability to find internship opportunities this summer. An international studies …
The mentor/mentee relationship is symbiotic in nature. The qualities and attributes in both mentees and mentors are synonymous. When mentorship is approached from a holistic lens, it has the power to build social capital and unlock human potential. Great educators have …
It can be overwhelming to try to figure out what you want to gain from mentoring (it can sometimes feel like that childhood question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”). But if you pull apart the …
Article by Larry Fast for “Industry Week” Aug, 2020
Great mentors along the way can put a high-potential person’s career on a rocket ship to their full potential. Poor mentors can slow a high-potential’s progress and stunt their growth. That’s …