YOUR life design starts here.
Life design involves proactively learning about yourself outside of your comfort zone. Exploring your interests through mentorship and immersive experiences in the early stages of your career can help you develop a clearer vision over time.
We encourage you to be curious, talk to people, take action, and share your story. Follow these four steps to begin your journey of designing your life.

Get Curious
Curiosity is a prerequisite for designing the life you want to live. Knowing what inspires, motivates and drives you is a key step in your journey.​ Take a moment to reflect on your skills, interests, values and the world around you.​

Talk to People
Networking can open doors to possible lives and inform your choices. Know who to connect with and what to ask to gain valuable insights from their experiences. Your future is a conversation away.

Take Action
The best way to learn is by doing. Taking action doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small and find incremental ways to move toward your goal. The important thing is to take action, do what’s important to you, and do it now!

Share Your Story
Craft and share your story to connect with people on social media, in person, or through your creative works. Be prepared for others to inquire about you and ask why you are reaching out to them.