The story begins with four Johns Hopkins Chemical Engineering students Marie Eric, Tyler Guarino, Erin Walsh, and Rachel Nie who had to come up with their senior year project. They had to create the idea, prototype it, and had only …
Nathalie Akbari (Art with a Heart Intern and InBaltimore Cohort 2022)
When I accepted the position of Programming Intern at the Art With a Heart (AWAH) community organization in Baltimore, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I have always enjoyed …
By Madeline Amonick, Communications Assistant
What is OneHop?
OneHop, formerly PeopleGrove, gives students direct access to alumni across all schools who have already expressed interest in helping students. Whether you are looking for a long-term mentorship, looking to explore new fields, …
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”
Hellen Keller
Connecting with people is what helps us to do so much, and LinkedIn is one resource where we can connect new and familiar faces virtually.
Whether …
Finding energy, motivation to take your life into your own hands
Article by Clifton E. Shambry Jr., Life Design Educator for Diversity and Inclusion
Are you someone who has been contemplating life choices? Trying to make sense of things? Want …