Your support through Boundless Blue Jays allows us to create an integrative learning journey that inspires all learners to make their most audacious moves and achieve their life aspirations, regardless of background or social capital.
Your contribution will support immersive experiences, such as internships, entrepreneurial ventures, or workshops, for students from all 10 of our schools.
Boundless Blue Jays is designed to help you feel connected with our mission and organization.
Boundless Blue Jays
Program Overview
Join Boundless Blue Jays and
Make a Difference
Connect with our students, faculty, staff, community members, and alumni today by joining Boundless Blue Jays. Your investment in the student programs will help improve our world. Thank you for your meaningful support.
To learn more about Boundless Blue Jays, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Our Partners
EMD Serono, MilliporeSigma and EMD Electronics
EMD Serono is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and electronics…
For more information, please visit Handshake.
Guidehouse is a leading global provider of consulting services to the public sector and commercial markets, with broad capabilities in management, technology, and risk consulting…
For more information, visit Handshake.