Be An Actuary – Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society
As long as there’s risk, there’s work. For every company trying to determine if this is the year to expand, for every insurance agency looking to predict the unexpected, for every government office trying to craft sound policy, we are there working to ensure those organizations continue to operate as smoothly as possible.
As an actuary, you’ll be part of a supportive network. And we are constantly meeting the demand for skilled professionals in a number of ways:
- Internships. It’s important to stay sharp. These internships are among the best ways to stay on the short list of every employer.
- Job boards. Through the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Society of Actuaries (SOA), you will find recruiters and employers—and they will find you.
- Types of employers. We can help you begin to narrow your search by understanding the types of employers who have the greatest need for actuaries.
- Work where you live. We can provide a number of leads based on jobs organized by region. You can find work close by—or where you’d love to begin a new life.
- Tips and tools. Perfect your interviewing skills. Polish your resume. Impress recruiters. We have all the insight you’ll need to seal the deal and land that dream job.