Students in the Peabody Institute‘s new four-year hip-hop program will have the chance to perfect their beats under the tutelage of an industry veteran: Wasalu Muhammad Jaco, perhaps known better by his stage name, Lupe Fiasco.
This Month in Life Design: Get Curious (About Yourself)
There’s a power in asking questions about who we are and what we’re here to do. Too often, we settle into routines and focus on expectations, letting them shape us without …
By Matthew Golden
Matthew GoldenAssistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Masters Life Design
Krieger School sophomore Alexander Chang co-wrote the recently released Fighting to Belong, a graphic novel about Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) history in the United States. It’s the first in a series …
Five Johns Hopkins doctoral students have been named 2025 Siebel Scholars, an honor that recognizes students in bioengineering fields for exemplary achievement in academia, research, and leadership.
Since its founding in 2000, the Siebel Scholarship …
The 2nd year of What’s The Tea on Your Future w/Black Alumni during Future Fest 2024 brought together alumni, students and staff to engage in conversations around being Black as students and professionals. This program was in collaboration with the …
By Clifton E. Shambry Jr.
Clifton E. Shambry Jr.Associate Director of Life Design for Student Community and Belonging
This Month in Life Design: Designing Your Life Without Borders
There is something captivating about the unknown—what lies just beyond the familiar. Still, many of us, myself most certainly included, spend our days within the boundaries of routine and expectation, …
By Matthew Golden
Matthew GoldenAssistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Masters Life Design
Young professionals, future retirees, adult caregivers, and those caring for children with disabilities can share concerns and advice with others in similar situations
Are you looking for a group focused on something or someone you care about? …
When Lionel Foster, A&S ’02, learned that he could share his knowledge and experience with students from his alma mater, he jumped at the chance. After all, mentors had guided Foster along each rung of his career, enabling him to …
When older relatives ask Brian David Gilbert, A&S ’16, about his career, he tells them he’s a “writer and video producer,” but the truth is much more complicated. He’s a YouTuber with over a million subscribers, …