The International Career Summit 3.0, hosted by the International Career Collective (ICC) from November 11-15 under the exceptional leadership of Jane Sitter and Hal Matthews, was the most successful Summit to date! …
By Yasir Kurt
Yasir KurtDirector of Graduate Programs: AAP and Whiting Engineering
In a previous blog post, we shared a little about what is Biotech and how to get into it with a focus on insights on purpose, how to get into and thrive, and a few industry inspiration.
Below are highlights …
By Clifton E. Shambry Jr.
Clifton E. Shambry Jr.Associate Director of Life Design for Student Community and Belonging
This Month in Life Design: Get Curious (About Yourself)
There’s a power in asking questions about who we are and what we’re here to do. Too often, we settle into routines and focus on expectations, letting them shape us without …
By Matthew Golden
Matthew GoldenAssistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Masters Life Design
The landscape of higher education in the United States is experiencing a remarkable transformation, with international graduate student enrollment soaring to unprecedented levels. This trend presents an opportunity for forward-thinking organizations to diversify their talent pools and gain a competitive …
By Kim Cosler
Kim CoslerAssociate Director of Employer Engagement
Find a career that aligns with your career interests, see current salary projects, and identify skills you need to apply for that next job or internship.
There are two ways to use this tool below:
By Keyword: Search for the name of the occupation you’re interested in.
By Industry: Not sure what job you’d like? Search by desired industry and see available occupations.
First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Type in a keyword to select a relevant occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
Top Employers
Education Levels
Annual Earnings
Technical Skills
Core Competencies
Job Titles
Occupation Description
Employment Trends
The number of jobs in the career for the past two years, the current year, and projections for the next 10 years. Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons, and do not distinguish between full- and part-time jobs. Sources include Emsi industry data, staffing patterns, and OES data.
Top Employers
These companies are currently hiring for .
Education Levels
The educational attainment percentage breakdown for a career (e.g. the percentage of people in the career who hold Bachelor’s Degrees vs. Associate Degrees). Educational attainment levels are provided by O*NET.
Annual Earnings
Earnings figures are based on OES data from the BLS and include base rate, cost of living allowances, guaranteed pay, hazardous-duty pay, incentive pay (including commissions and bonuses), on-call pay, and tips.
Technical Skills
A list of hard skills associated with a given career ordered by the number of unique job postings which ask for those skills.
Core Competencies
The skills for the career. The "importance" is how relevant the ability is to the occupation: scale of 1-5. The "level" is the proficiency required by the occupation: scale of 0-100. Results are sorted by importance first, then level.
Job Titles
A list of job titles for all unique postings in a given career, sorted by frequency.