PHutures – 100 Alumni Voices »

Daesha Ramachandran

“Just do it. Ask the questions, find the people, be brave and vulnerable about what you don’t know, but recognize that you do have a set of really explicit, unique talents that are yours alone to offer.”

Bloomberg School of Public Health

Population, Family & Reproductive Health, PhD 2016

CEO/Founder at Tusk

Daesha‘s Podcast Episode

In this episode, we discuss how Daesha’s initial interests in public service and academic teaching evolved over the course of her PhD program in Population, Family & Reproductive Health, her experience founding a boutique consulting firm focused on equity and organizational and systems change, and her take on the importance of recognizing and affirming your unique worth and talents for sustaining yourself through the many challenges of doctoral training.

Learn More About Daesha‘s Story

We never step in the same river twice

I selected this photo for a few reasons. Who I am and what I make a living doing are both river stories: like rivers, that become a part of all that they meet, growing up as a biracial child of immigrants meant learning to adapt and transform early and often. While there’s some bittersweetness to that skill, there’s a lot of power and resilience in it, too. That we can both shape and be shaped by the world around us, always in motion, always a work in progress, while still offering the world some nourishment provokes in me a profound sense of hope. We are always learning, growing, becoming, and there’s a lot of power in that way of being in the world.


Parenting is such a vulnerable and hopeful pursuit. It’s been, by far, the most generative and healing chapter in my life. Being a good ancestor, to my children and the ones who come after them, requires me to show up in my day to day on purpose, to separate the wheat from the chaff about where I spend my time and energy. One of the most generous gifts of parenthood is awakening to the long line of intergenerational healing and strength we pass on from one age to the next. As I watch my children grow and thrive, I see them healing in ways that were not available to me or my ancestors. To be part of an evolution like that, well, it’s the origin story of revolution, to me.