A Wake-Up Call to the Student Affairs Profession About Male Students

Sourced From Inside Higher Ed.

Men’s participation in postsecondary education and their completion rates have been front and center in higher education in recent weeks in both the United States and Canada.

A recent report released by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario showed that nearly one in four students who enrolled in a postsecondary program in Ontario failed to complete a credential after eight years. However, when accounting for gender, men’s noncompletion of a credential was over one in three.

Similar to the findings from Canada, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center in the United States released data on completion rates, which showed that only 58.4 percent of men completed their program within six years, while women completed their programs at a higher rate, 65.6 percent. Leaving aside the different definition of completion (six versus eight years) used by the two studies, the gender divide is clear and should be concerning to those who work in higher education.

Read full article at Inside Higher Ed.

By Georges Hatcheu
Georges Hatcheu