2024 Student Employee and Supervisor of the Year Awards

University Experiential Learning is excited to announce that nominations are now open for the 2024 Student Employee and Supervisor of the Year Awards! 

The JHU Student Employee of the Year award is presented to an outstanding undergraduate and graduate student who has made a significant contribution to the university through their paid student job/internship either on or off-campus. The JHU Supervisor of the Year award is presented to an outstanding JHU supervisor who has consistently brought the student employment portion of experiential learning full circle by guiding, encouraging, and advising their student employees. 

Nominees will be recognized at the annual University Experiential Learning Awards Ceremony, where they are celebrated for their leadership, consistency, and mentorship that has helped advance and shape the way we view on-campus student employment and its impact on students at Hopkins and beyond.

Nominating a student or supervisor is a great way to recognize their achievements and their positive impact on the Hopkins community. To nominate a student or supervisor and to view information about nomination criteria, click here.  All nominations are due by March 1, 2024.  

To learn more about the Student Employee and Supervisor of the Year Awards, the nomination process, or Student Employment Week, submit your question here.

By Hanju Lee
Hanju Lee