The purpose of your resume is to get you an interview.
Think of your resume as a dynamic and constantly changing document. Format and target your
resume(s) to market your best qualifications for specific jobs. Lead with your STRENGTHS and SKILLS.
Include the education, experience and skills that will be of greatest interest to the employer at the
forefront of the resume and make those areas the most detailed and prominent. From the top down,
list the best of what you have accomplished based on where you are going. Make it easy for an employer
to see that you are a qualified candidate who should be invited in for an interview. Resumes must
be typographically and grammatically perfect, honest and verifiable, targeted and results oriented.
PROOFREAD! Spell check does not catch proper names, homophones, or homonyms. Some employers
scan resumes to determine qualifications. Include industry or occupation specific KEYWORDS as they
relate to your skills and experience.
Spend the appropriate amount of time on your resume. It can take time to pull together all of this
information and organize it in an appropriate manner. Be sure you know your audience. Consider the
employer, department, and position when writing your resume. You may want to create an “everything
resume” which includes a record of everything you have done. Then when you write a one-page
document for a specific opportunity, you can pull from your most pertinent experiences for the current
opportunity you are targeting.